


International cooperation, a mark of the universalism that characterizes science, is inscribed since the origin of our Faculty, as well as of the University of which it constitutes one of the pillars. This cooperation is also one of the main bases of the Postgraduate Program in Human Geography (PPGH/FFLCH/USP). The arrival of Pierre Deffontaines together with the French mission, also composed by intellectuals such as Roger Bastide, Fernand Braudel, Claude Lévi-Strauss, among others, marks the foundation of the chair of Geography in 1934, the same year of the foundation of the University of São Paulo and its Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters. The presence and important work of Pierre Monbeig, who came to USP in 1935, added to the first names of the French mission, who not only helped to consolidate the Geography course, but was also responsible for the formation of post-graduate courses in Geography in Brazilian territory. The first doctoral thesis, authored by Maria Conceição Vicente de Carvalho, was defended in 1944, completing, therefore, 78 years in 2021. Over the years, large nuclei of concentration between the studies of the dynamics of society and nature were originated and defined, culminating, in 1971, in the institutionalization of two distinct graduate programs: that of Human Geography and that of Physical Geography. It was from the dedicated work of these pioneers, and of many other men and women, that the foundations for the consolidation of the PPGH/FFLCH/USP were built, which in this year of 2021 completes its fiftieth anniversary, marked by a history of academic engagement, promotion of science and knowledge and deep commitment to the São Paulo and Brazilian society.


It is important to highlight that the environment of debate of the PPGH benefits from its institutional insertion and, in fact, in the forums of debate at the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH), which, besides its history and the memorable intellectuals who were at its origin and passed through here, continues to be a centre of teaching, research and production of knowledge of undeniable importance in the national and international context. Being part of the FFLCH is, without a doubt, an important aspect in the formation of our students in the sense of our work. This insertion in the Faculty not only facilitates the circulation of the student body among disciplines, study groups, events, congresses, but also provides an environment that has counted - and counts today - with intellectuals from other areas of knowledge of the highest level.

In a critical moment such as the one we are going through in the country, full of all kinds of negationisms and disrespect for universal values that scientific knowledge represents, the celebration of the PPGH's 50th anniversary is also an expression of resistance and a demonstration of commitment to the principles and objectives that govern the Programme. As we read in our website:

Principles: the ethical use of the knowledge produced; the commitment to the consolidation and deepening of democracy, citizenship and socio-spatial justice; respect for the plurality of views on geography and the contemporary world.

Objectives: Its objectives are: the production and dissemination of critical knowledge on geographical issues, with a view to contributing to the transformation of societies and territories; the enhancement of knowledge on the socio-spatial dimensions of the world, in its different scales of analysis, representations and cartographic languages; and the training of highly distinguished professional staff through the development of research, teaching and national and international cooperation, and an openness to interdisciplinary work.

Throughout its history, the PPGH has graduated hundreds of professionals: Masters and Doctors, who have spread throughout all regions of the country, from the performance in different fields of work (research, teaching, technical area, among others), the knowledge acquired during their training. Due to its pioneering spirit, it is common to find in several Postgraduation Programs in Geography professionals who, at least in part, had their formation in the PPGH. Regarding the academic production itself, the digital repository of dissertations and thesis of the Program - available from the year 2001 - shows that there were 975 defended works in this century until this fiftieth anniversary year.

The bibliographical production of the PPGH faculty has also been a reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers in the area of Geography (mainly, but not only). In addition to several highly prestigious professors still active in the Program today, this history is composed of the decisive role of masters and intellectuals who have already left us, such as Professors Pasquale Petrone, Lea Goldenstein, Milton Santos, Armando Corrêa da Silva and Antônio Carlos Robert Moraes. It is worth mentioning that a new generation of professors is also working with rigor and engagement, honoring its past and seeking to ensure, in the present, the same high level of quality that, since the training of the first PhDs in Geography, in the 1940s, constitutes a mark of the Program.

The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the institutionalization of the PPGH is governed by two guiding principles:

  1. recognition of the work of each and every one of those who contributed and contribute so that the Programme could reach the level of excellence that has characterised it for decades;
  2. the appreciation of its academic production and its contribution to the construction of Brazilian geographic thought.


The PPGH fiftieth anniversary celebrations will take place during the second half of 2021 and include:


18 August, Wednesday

​​​​​​​17:30 - 18:00 ​​​​​​​youtube

Opening session

Paulo Martins - Director of FFLCH

Sueli Furlan - Head of Department (DG/USP)

Bianca Vieira - Coordinator of PPGF

César Simoni - Coordinator of PPGH


18:00 - 20:00 ​​​​​​​youtube

SESSION 1: 50 ANOS+ : PPGH in the context of Brazilian Geography

Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos (DG/USP)

Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira (DG/USP)

Odette Seabra (DG/USP)

Mediação: César Simoni (DG/USP)


Wednesday 15 September

18:00 - 20:00 ​​​​​​​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nz0E8JrfMTo

SESSION 2: PPGH 50 Years+: trajectories, memories and legacies

Élvio Martins (DG/USP)

Manoel Fernandes (DG/USP)

Mónica Arroyo (DG/USP)

Mediação: Rodrigo Valverde (DG/USP)


20 October, Wednesday

​​​​​​​18:00 - 20:00 ​​​​​​​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XkLNaGnaGY

SESSION 3: PPGH and Geographies of the South: research and international cooperation

Perla Zusman (University of Buenos Aires/Argentina)

Alexandre Hilario Monteiro Baia (University Eduardo Mondlane/Moçambique)

David Ramírez Palacios (PPHIST/UFPA)

Mediação: Ricardo Mendes Antas Jr. (DG/USP)




 08 December, Wednesday

16:00 - 16:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Piuc9yjA9hc

Opening session and launches

​​​​​​​Manoel Fernandes - Coordenador do PPGH

Adriana Ferrari - Representante da Biblioteca (Lançamento das teses digitalizadas)

César Simoni - Coordenador da Comissão de Organização do PPGH 50+

Ginneth Pulido Gomez - Produção audiovisual PPGH 50+ e Lançamento do canal do PPGH

16:30 – 18:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RXVvoxgMLM

SESSION 1 FINAL SEMINAR: PPGH and the renewal of Political Geography

Wanderley Messias da Costa (PPGH/USP)

Wagner Costa Ribeiro (PPGH/USP)

André Martin (PPGH/USP)

Moderador: Marcos Bernardino (PPGH/USP)

19:00 – 21:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY-Fltam_j0

SESSION 2 FINAL SEMINAR: PPGH and research on the city and the urban

 Amélia Damiani (PPGH/USP)

Léa Francesconi (PPGH/USP)

Isabel Alvarez (PPGH/USP)

Amalia Ines Geraiges de Lemos (PPGH/USP)

Moderadora: Simone Scifoni (PPGH/USP)

09 December, Thursday

16:30 – 18:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpZ-ErpS7Qg

SESSION 3 FINAL SEMINAR: PPGH 50+: Agrarian geography, modernisation and conflicts in the countryside

Valéria de Marcos (PPGH/USP)

Marta Inez Medeiros Marques (PPGH/USP)

Denise Elias (UECE)

Rosa Ester Rossini (PPGH/USP)

Moderador: Carlos Toledo (PPGH/USP)

19:00 – 21:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxBKcXkavjc

SESSION 4 FINAL SEMINAR: PPGH 50+: Region, theory and practice

​​​​​​​Rogério Haesbaert (UFF)

Eudes Leopoldo de Souza (Unifesspa)

Rita de Cássia A. da Cruz (PPGH/USP)

Moderador: Fabio B. Contel (PPGH/USP)

Friday 10 December

​​​​​​​16:30 – 18:30 ​​​​​​​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxBKcXkavjc

SESSION 5 FINAL SEMINAR: PPGH and research on cartography and representations of space

Hervé Thery (PPGH/USP)

Gisele Girardi (UFES)

Fernanda Padovesi (PPGH/USP)

Moderador: Reinaldo Paul Pérez Machado (PPGH/USP)

19:00 – 21:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eei3HD2EnMI

SESSION 6 FINAL SEMINAR: PPGH 50+: The teaching of geography between university and everyday school life

Glória Anunciação Alves (PPGH/USP)

Eduardo Girotto (PPGH/USP)

Sonia Castellar (PPGH/USP)

Moderador: Anselmo Alfredo (PPGH/USP)


Further information:


Social networks: 


​​​​​​​https://www.facebook.com/ppgh50anos/    https://www.instagram.com/ppgh50/   https://www.youtube.com/c/PPGHUSP  ​​​​​​​t