The book "Geographical Reasoning and Learning: Perspectives on Curriculum and Cartography from South America" is the result of a work led by Prof. Dr. Sonia M. Vanzella Castellar, Full Professor of the Faculty of Education and the Postgraduate Programme in Human Geography of the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (PPGH-FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo (USP), coordinator of the Study and Research Group on the Didactics of Geography (GEPED/FE-USP), in partnership with prof. Dr. Marcelo Garrido Pereira, from the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano de Santiago de Chile and with Prof. Dr. Nubia Moreno Lache, from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Colombia.
The publication seeks to broaden the dialogue on geographical education and share investigations and reflections in the area based on research carried out in Brazil, Chile and Colombia, placing South American academic productions on Geographical Education at the centre of the debate with students, teachers and researchers of Geography from all over the world. This production makes up a series of books on international perspectives on Geographical Education that was supervised by the Commission on Geographical Education of the International Geographical Union (IGU) and published by Springer Publishing.
Among the twenty (20) articles in the book, fourteen (14) are contributions related to research and studies developed by researchers who carry out or conducted their research under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sonia Castellar. Among the authors of the articles in the book, we highlight the participation of researchers members of GEPED and REDLADGEO, the Red Latinoamericana de Investigadores En Didáctica de La Geografía.
The articles presented discuss themes related to the teaching and learning of Geography, bringing contributions about the curriculum, spatial thinking for the development of geographic reasoning, the concepts and principles that compose the epistemological status of geography and also school cartography. Each chapter allows the reader to enter into different theoretical and methodological approaches of Geography teaching, with new points of view, innovations and challenges, a collective effort to strengthen Geography Education in basic education and the interaction and collaboration with other researchers in this area all over the planet.
The book is available on Springer Publishing's website, where it is possible to check the technical details of the publication, consult the summary and purchase the printed version, which is registered under ISBN 978-3-030-79846-8, or the digital version (e-book), which is registered under ISBN 978-3-030-79847-5 .
The launch of the work will take place on 18 November 2021, virtually, at 5pm (Brasília time) and will be attended by the following lecturers to comment on the production: Prof. Dr. Francisco Garcia (Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain); Profa. Mg. Raquel Gurevich (Institute of Geography, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Member of INDGEO and REDLADGEO) and Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar da Costa Gomes (Department of Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
The book summary is available for consultation by clicking here.
Check out the official poster for the launch

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