From September 27 to October 1, 2021, the I Seminar "Disobedient Geographies: gender, sexuality and raciality" will take place - Tribute to Rosa Ester Rossini, in which themes concerning gender, sexuality and race crossed by the spatial dimension will be debated.
The program includes an opening table with Professor Dr. Rosa Ester Rossini and researcher Suzi Correia, and five other debate tables composed of researchers from geography, anthropology, sociology and other fields of knowledge that reflect on the space of societies and the way it produces and is produced by racial, gender and sexuality relations.
There will be libras interpretation in all thematic tables.
Organization: Study Group on Space, Gender and Sexuality.
Support: Graduate Program in Human Geography (PPGH - FFLCH - USP) and Political Geography Laboratory (GeoPo - USP).
Link to the broadcast: